NA-280-001 (Notified application)
 Land West Of Quarry Drive, , Kilmacolm, PA13
 Residential Development To Include Access, Roads, Open Space, Landscaping, Drainage And Other Associated Works (Major)
 25 May 2021
 05 Jul 2021
 Inverclyde Council (20/0245/IC)
 Mr David Campbell
 Mactaggart and Mickel Homes Ltd
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Ramsay, Elaine (Tel: 0131 244 7538 - Email:
 Mr David Buylla
 05 Jun 2022
 26 Jan 2023 (Application Granted)
 Housing (10 or more houses),

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
15 Dec 2022 15 Dec 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Comments on responses - Kilmacolm Residents' Association 0.40MB (URL Details)
13 Dec 2022 15 Dec 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Comments from applicant via Mactaggart & Mickel Homes - re responses made by other parties 0.18MB (URL Details)
01 Dec 2022 01 Dec 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Comment request to all parties on initial responses 0.18MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Response - Kilmacolm Civic Trust 0.11MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Response - Kilmacolm Residents' Association 0.52MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Response - Kilmacolm Community Council 0.14MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Response - Applicant (North Planning and Development) 0.23MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Response - Applicant (Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP letter) 0.52MB (URL Details)
29 Nov 2022 29 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - Response - Inverclyde Council 0.19MB (URL Details)
16 Nov 2022 16 Nov 2022 Procedure Notice PARD Procedure Notice - 16 November 2022 - Request for Further Written Submissions 0.24MB (URL Details)

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