POA-200-2002 (Planning Obligation Appeal)
 7 Lochmill Holdings, Antermony Road, Milton Of Campsie, G66 8AE
 Appeal Against Refusal Of Consent To Amend Section 75 Agreement To Remove Part Of The Agreement Disallowing The Holiday Let Units To Be Sold, Leased, Gifted Or Disposed Of Separately From 7 Lochmill Holdings
 Modify an obligation
 03 Jun 2020
 East Dunbartonshire Council (TP/ED/20/0051)
 23 Jan 2020
 02 Apr 2020
 Mr William James Thomson
 Mr Moray Thomson
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Ms Karen Heywood
 26 Aug 2020
 26 Aug 2020 (Appeal Dismissed )
 Business, Holiday/Leisure,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
27 Aug 2020 31 Aug 2020 Expenses Decision Notice DPEA Expenses decision notice - dated 31 August 2020 0.11MB (URL Details)
26 Aug 2020 26 Aug 2020 Decision Notice DPEA Decision notice - dated 26 August 2020 0.12MB (URL Details)
06 Aug 2020 07 Aug 2020 Response Authority Comments on claim for award of expenses 0.27MB (URL Details)
23 Jul 2020 23 Jul 2020 Minute of Appointment DPEA Appointment of Karen Heywood 0.06MB (URL Details)
15 Jul 2020 23 Jul 2020 Documents Agent - Shepherd + Wedderburn Comments on Authority Response 0.52MB (URL Details)
15 Jul 2020 23 Jul 2020 Claim for Expenses Agent - Shepherd + Wedderburn Claim for Expenses 0.26MB (URL Details)
06 Jul 2020 09 Jul 2020 Authority Response Form Authority 001 - Authority Response Form 0.12MB (URL Details)
06 Jul 2020 09 Jul 2020 Authority Response Form Authority 002 - Authority Response to Grounds of Appeal 0.56MB (URL Details)
06 Jul 2020 09 Jul 2020 Documents Authority 003 - TP-ED-08-0071 - Decision Notice 3.11MB (URL Details)
06 Jul 2020 09 Jul 2020 Documents Authority 004 - TP-ED-08-0071 - Report of Handling 1.36MB (URL Details)

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