ENA-260-2128 (Enforcement Notice Appeal)
 39 Greendyke Street, Flat 0/2, Glasgow, G1 5PS
 Unauthorised Use Of Residential Flatted Dwelling As Short Stay Accommodation
 02 Apr 2020
 Glasgow City Council (19/00550/EN)
 Mr Antony Masters
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Ms Amanda Chisholm
 20 Aug 2020
 05 Aug 2020 (Appeal Dismissed )

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
14 Apr 2020 14 Apr 2020 Documents Authority Production 003 - Photo Schedule A 0.66MB (URL Details)
14 Apr 2020 14 Apr 2020 Documents Authority Production 004 - SG10 (Meeting Housing Needs) Paras 4.12-4.14 inc 0.06MB (URL Details)
14 Apr 2020 14 Apr 2020 Documents Authority Production 005 - SG10 (Meeting Housing Needs) Detailed Criteria, Para 4.16 0.06MB (URL Details)
09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020 Statement Authority Written Statement in response to appeal 0.25MB (URL Details)
09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020 Documents Authority Production 001A - Planning Enforcement Notice (19-00550-EN) 6.26MB (URL Details)
09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020 Documents Authority Production 001B - Certificate of Service 2.36MB (URL Details)
09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020 Documents Authority Production 002 - Correspondence to owner(s) occupier(s) dated 4 September 2019 0.16MB (URL Details)
08 Apr 2020 08 Apr 2020 Authority Response Form Authority Response form 0.27MB (URL Details)

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