TRO-230-5 (Traffic Regulation Order )
 Cramond Glebe Road, School Brae And Whitehouse Road, Edinburgh, EH4 6NP
 The City Of Edinburgh Council (Traffic Regulation; Restrictions On Waiting, Loading And Unloading, Stopping And Parking Places) (Variation No -) Order 201-
 14 Feb 2019
 City of Edinburgh Council (TRO 18/83)
 Site Inspection, Further Written Submission, Hearing
 Decision issued
 Anderson, Jayne (Tel: 0131 244 6934 - Email:
 Mr Andrew Fleming
 04 Dec 2021
 02 Feb 2023 (Order or Notice Confirmed)
 Traffic Regulation Order,

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Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
15 Apr 2020 15 Apr 2020 Correspondence DPEA - to consultee - Road Haulage Association exchange about change of contact details 0.24MB (URL Details)
09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020 Correspondence DPEA - to authority asking if they are in agreement to sist 0.17MB (URL Details)
09 Apr 2020 09 Apr 2020 Correspondence DPEA - to authority acknowledging instruction to postpone 0.16MB (URL Details)
08 Apr 2020 08 Apr 2020 Correspondence DPEA - to specific objectors requesting response to hearing options 0.19MB (URL Details)
05 Mar 2020 16 Mar 2020 Correspondence Cramond & Barnton Community Council advising they has been sent a plan by authority 0.11MB (URL Details)
24 Jan 2020 03 Feb 2020 Correspondence DPEA - to Cramond & Barnton Community Council exchange about scope of hearing 0.16MB (URL Details)

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