PPA-270-2245 (Planning Permission Appeal)
 Land 1600M East Of Balmaqueen, IV51
 57.692244 ,
 New Marine Fish Farm For Atlantic Salmon Consisting Of 12 X 120M Circumference Circular Cages In A 80M Mooring Grid With Associated Feed Barge
 Planning permission
 26 Apr 2021
 Highland Council (20/00097/FUL)
 08 Jan 2020
 02 Feb 2021
 Organic Sea Harvest
 Mr Colin Innes
 Refusal of Application
 Site Inspection
 Decision issued
 Case Owner, DPEA (Tel: 0300 244 6668 - Email: dpea@gov.scot)
 Ms Sue Bell
 19 Jul 2021
 07 Oct 2021 (Appeal Dismissed )
 Fish Farm,

Go To Page:
Date Sent/Received Date of Publication Type of Publication Submitting Party Document Name Size
07 Oct 2021 07 Oct 2021 Decision Notice DPEA Decision Notice - dated 07 October 2021 0.22MB (URL Details)
23 Aug 2021 23 Aug 2021 Documents Authority Adverts in relation to application and enviornmental statement 0.74MB (URL Details)
31 May 2021 01 Jun 2021 Further Supporting Information Agent Shepherd & Wedderburn LLP 0.29MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority Highland Council Core Documents 0.18MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority THC001 Report of Handling 4.90MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority THC003 Skye Trail Rubha Hunish to Flodigarry Section 0.10MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority THC004 Skye Trail Flodigarry to The Storr - Trotternish Ridge Section part 0.15MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority THC005 Core Path Map for North Trotternish 0.17MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority THC009 Decision Notice 0.10MB (URL Details)
17 May 2021 18 May 2021 Documents Authority THC010 Committee Minute 0.24MB (URL Details)

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